Welcome to the Will County Illinois Board of Review Appeal Portal  


This portal is designed for the electronic submission and retrieval of appeal information. You can use this portal to submit your completed appeal and for retrieval of all evidence.

The Board of Review Appeal Portal will be open for appeal submissions from August 7, 2024 through September 9, 2024.

If you are submitting your completed appeal and corresponding evidence in a digital format, you will be required to register for an account and create a User Name and Password. An incomplete electronic submission may result in the non-acceptance of your appeal. If you have not submitted your appeal and corresponding evidence utilizing this portal, you will receive a User Name and Password with your hearing notice/waiver notification to retrieve your evidence.

You will be informed via the hearing notice/waiver notification when your evidence is available for retrieval and it will be your responsibility to retrieve such evidence.

ATTENTION: Pursuant to Section 7 (e) of the Open Meetings Act, the Will County Board of Review requires that you check the Board of Review Appeal Portal 48 hours prior to your scheduled hearing to ensure that the hearing will be a live hearing. In the event that the Board chairperson determines that an in-person hearing is not practical, prudent, or unfeasible due to an unforeseen circumstance, the Board will have a non-interactive hearing in place of your scheduled hearing and the decision will be based on the weight of the evidence provided. If you do not have computer access, you must call the board office at (815) 740-4707.  In the event that a live hearing is not feasible, you will have the ability to submit rebuttal to the township assessor and or intervenor evidence via electronic submission of a written brief. This must be submitted 48 hours prior to the non-interactive hearing.

Pursuant to Section 7(e) of the Open Meetings Act, in the event of a disaster Declaration, the Chairperson of the Board of Review reserves the right to determine whether an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the disaster. In that event, the procedures outlined in the Open Meetings Act and that section of the act as amended shall be followed.

Please take note:

  • If you had an account with our BOR portal prior to 2020, you will be required to re-register. This website was first launched in 2020 and no previous accounts were carried over. If you utilized this website in 2020 or after, please use your existing username and password.

  • If you are an Attorney or a Law Firm filing multiple appeals for clients, you will create one user account for all Appeals.

  • If you are filing a residential complaint, you may waive your in-person hearing if you so choose by signing the "affidavit of hearing waiver". If you do not sign the "affidavit of hearing waiver" on your initial complaint submission and you are not able to attend your scheduled hearing, per Board of Review Rule C11f, you may submit a signed "affidavit of hearing waiver" to waive the attendance at your hearing up to five (5) business days prior to the scheduled hearing date. If you wish to submit an "affidavit of hearing waiver" after your hearing is scheduled, please call (815) 740-4707.

  • When submitting an appeal, be sure to include a written argument regarding your complaint.

  • If you have further questions regarding the submission of your appeal, you may call or schedule an appointment with a Will County Supervisor of Assessments staff member at (815) 740-4707.

  • If you need assistance with navigating this portal, please see the appropriate quick-start guide .

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled hearing to allow ample time to pass through security when entering the building.



The Will County Board of Review Appeal Portal is currently closed for appeal submissions and registration.


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